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Serialization & Deserialization

Internally, Lexical maintains the state of a given editor in memory, updating it in response to user inputs. Sometimes, it's useful to convert this state into a serialized format in order to transfer it between editors or store it for retrieval at some later time. In order to make this process easier, Lexical provides some APIs that allow Nodes to specify how they should be represented in common serialized formats.


Currently, HTML serialization is primarily used to transfer data between Lexical and non-Lexical editors (such as Google Docs or Quip) via the copy & paste functionality in @lexical/clipboard, but we also offer generic utilities for converting Lexical -> HTML and HTML -> Lexical in our @lexical/headless package.

Lexical -> HTML

When generating HTML from an editor you can pass in a selection object to narrow it down to a certain section or pass in null to convert the whole editor.

const htmlString = $generateHtmlFromNodes(editor, selection | null);


You can control how a LexicalNode is represented as HTML by adding an exportDOM() method.

exportDOM(editor: LexicalEditor): DOMExportOutput

When transforming an editor state into HTML, we simply traverse the current editor state (or the selected subset thereof) and call the exportDOM method for each Node in order to convert it to an HTMLElement.

Sometimes, it's necessary or useful to do some post-processing after a node has been converted to HTML. For this, we expose the "after" API on DOMExportOutput, which allows exportDOM to specify a function that should be run after the conversion to an HTMLElement has happened.

export type DOMExportOutput = {
after?: (generatedElement: ?HTMLElement) => ?HTMLElement,
element?: HTMLElement | null,

If the element property is null in the return value of exportDOM, that Node will not be represented in the serialized output.

HTML -> Lexical

// In the browser you can use the native DOMParser API to parse the HTML string.
const parser = new DOMParser();
const dom = parser.parseFromString(htmlString, textHtmlMimeType);

// In a headless environment you can use a package such as JSDom to parse the HTML string.
const dom = new JSDOM(htmlString);

// Once you have the DOM instance it's easy to generate LexicalNodes.
const nodes = $generateNodesFromDOM(editor, dom);

// Once you've generated LexicalNodes from your HTML you can now initialize an editor instance with the parsed nodes.
const editor = createEditor({ ...config, nodes });

// Or insert them at a selection.
const selection = $getSelection();


You can control how an HTMLElement is represented in Lexical by adding an importDOM() method to your LexicalNode.

static importDOM(): DOMConversionMap | null;

The return value of importDOM is a map of the lower case (DOM) Node.nodeName property to an object that specifies a conversion function and a priority for that conversion. This allows LexicalNodes to specify which type of DOM nodes they can convert and what the relative priority of their conversion should be. This is useful in cases where a DOM Node with specific attributes should be interpreted as one type of LexicalNode, and otherwise it should be represented as another type of LexicalNode.

export type DOMConversionMap = {
[NodeName]: (node: Node) => DOMConversion | null,

export type DOMConversion = {
conversion: DOMConversionFn,
priority: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4,

export type DOMConversionFn = (
element: Node,
parent?: Node,
) => DOMConversionOutput;

export type DOMConversionOutput = {
after?: (childLexicalNodes: Array<LexicalNode>) => Array<LexicalNode>,
forChild?: DOMChildConversion,
node: LexicalNode | null,

export type DOMChildConversion = (
lexicalNode: LexicalNode,
) => LexicalNode | null | void;

@lexical/code provides a good example of the usefulness of this design. GitHub uses HTML <table> elements to represent the structure of copied code in HTML. If we interpreted all HTML <table> elements as literal tables, then code pasted from GitHub would appear in Lexical as a Lexical TableNode. Instead, CodeNode specifies that it can handle <table> elements too:

class CodeNode extends ElementNode {
static importDOM(): DOMConversionMap | null {
return {
table: (node: Node) => {
if (isGitHubCodeTable(node as HTMLTableElement)) {
return {
conversion: convertTableElement,
priority: 4,
return null;

If the imported <table> doesn't align with the expected GitHub code HTML, then we return null and allow the node to be handled by lower priority conversions.

Much like exportDOM, importDOM exposes APIs to allow for post-processing of converted Nodes. The conversion function returns a DOMConversionOutput which can specify a function to run for each converted child (forChild) or on all the child nodes after the conversion is complete (after). The key difference here is that forChild runs for every deeply nested child node of the current node, whereas after will run only once after the transformation of the node and all its children is complete.

export type DOMConversionFn = (
element: Node,
parent?: Node,
) => DOMConversionOutput;

export type DOMConversionOutput = {
after?: (childLexicalNodes: Array<LexicalNode>) => Array<LexicalNode>,
forChild?: DOMChildConversion,
node: LexicalNode | null,

export type DOMChildConversion = (
lexicalNode: LexicalNode,
parentLexicalNode: LexicalNode | null | undefined,
) => LexicalNode | null;


Documentation coming soon